

Since mankind learned to cook, cooks have been wrapping their foods in green leaves of one sort or another. The American Indians wrap stewed corn in corn leaves, the Chinese wrap fish, meat and rice in lotus or bamboo leaves, and in this country foods are wrapped in cabbage stalks, spinach, lettuce or savoy – or, as in the case of Capuns, in leaves of Swiss chard. Capuns is a synonym in Graubünden cuisine for experimentation and variety – there is no single recipe for Capuns, but a countless number of them.

Grandma Albin's Capuns

Ingredients for 5 persons

  • 400 gr white flour
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 dl water
  • 1 dl milk
  • Salt, pepper
  • 1 pair of Landjäger sausages
  • 1 Salsiz sausage (120 g)
  • 100 gr smoked ham
  • 10 gr parsley, chopped
  • 10 gr green onion, chopped
  • 20 gr horse mint
  • 60 leaves of Swiss chard
  • 4 dl bouillon
  • 4 dl milk
  • 100 grams grated Alpine cheese
  • 50 gr butter
  • 100 gr bacon bits


  • Put the flour in a bowl. Add eggs, water, milk and spices. Quickly make everything into a flat dough and pour some cold water on it.
  • Cube Landjäger, Salsiz and smoked ham or bacon. Cut up and put together with spices into the dough.
  • Wash chard leaves. Place a portion of the dough mixture onto each leaf and fold it up.
  • Cook the milk and bouillon together, add the Capuns and simmer for about 10 minutes. Take the Capuns out carefully, arrange on a plate, pour some of the broth on and sprinkle with cheese.
  • Fry the bacon bits in butter and sprinkle over the Capuns. Ready to eat!